Joyful Aloe Vera Salad
Joyful Aloe Vera Salad
Del Monte Aloe Vera in lite syrup 200g (1/2 box), Del Monte Whole New Potatoes 5 – 6 ea, Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn 100g (1/3 tin), Del Monte Cranberry 30g, Walnut 20g, Celery 30g, Carrot 30g,

Salad Dressing:
Del Monte Hot Dog Sweet Relish, Honey 2 tbsp
Del Monte Aloe Vera in lite syrup
Aloe Vera contains rich dietary fiber which can give the sense of fullness and encourage intestinal motility.
Sieve aloe vera from lite syrup, set aside.
Dice whole new potatoes, celery and carrots, mix with corns and aloe vera. Stir well.
Combine hot dog sweet Relish and Honey pour over (2), toss gently and serve.
Cranberry is rich in dietary fiber and anthocyan which represents high level of anti-oxidation. Other than direct consumption, it can also be made into desserts like fruit pies, yoghurts and fruit pancakes.