Creamy Curry Pasta With Cheese, Luncheon Meat
Creamy Curry Pasta With Cheese, Luncheon Meat
Del Monte Creamy Curry Pasta Sauce 1/2 box, Pasta 150g, Luncheon Meat (S) 1 can, Sandwich Cheese 1 pc, Parmesan Cheese 1 tbsp, Shredded Parsley 1 tsp
Pour water to the boil. Add oil and salt a pinch. Cook pasta for around 8 mins. Drain it and then add olive oil. Stir well and put it on baking tray.
Cut Luncheon Meat into dices. Heat up and fry until crispy. Pour Creamy Curry Pasta Sauce and Parsley until cooked and cover (1).
Preheat oven. Cover Cheese Slices and Shredded Cheese on top of (2). Bake for 10-15 mins at 200ÂșC.