Cranberry Pancake with Fruit Cocktail
Cranberry Pancake with Fruit Cocktail
Del Monte Fruit Cocktail (S) 1 can, Del Monte Cranberries 3 tbsp, Del Monte Cranberry Juice 150ml, Strawberry Jam 3 tbsp, Lemon Juice 2 tsp, Ice Cream 1 scoop

Pancake Ingredients: Flour 100 g, Fresh Milk 1 cup, Butter 1 tbsp, Powdered Sugar 2 tsp, Salt a pinch
Add flour, powdered sugar and salt into melted butter. Stir well and pour fresh milk gradually. Whisk the pancake mixture until thickened.
Heat the pot. Pour pancake mixture then pan-fry with medium heat. Allow to cool.
Heat another pan. Slow cook fruit cocktail, cranberries, cranberry juice and strawberry jam until thickened. Allow to cool.
Pour (3) on pancake pastry then rolls up. Put ice cream on the top and serve.