Taco Roll with Sardines and Eggs
Taco Roll with Sardines and Eggs
Del Monte Sardines in Tomato Sauce (S) 1 can, Del Monte Mixed Vegetables 1 pack, Taco crust 3 pieces, Eggs 4 pcs, Sea Salt 2 pinches
Del Monte Sardines in Tomato Sauce
2 eggs as a portion, add 1 pinch of sea salt to each portion and mix well.
Heat a pan over medium heat, add some cooking oil, add sardines in tomato sauce and fry for a while.
Heat a pan over a medium-low heat, add a proper amount of cooking oil, add about 2 tablespoons of mixed vegetables (filter out the water), and saute until there is fragrance.
Pour an egg syrup into the mixed vegetables. Then, put a piece of taco crust over the egg syrup.
When the one side of the egg is done, turn it over. Put a piece of sardine on the egg and fry the taco crust until slightly charred (about 2 minutes).
Put the taco crust at the bottom, roll up together with the sardines and enjoy.