Vegetables in Coconut Curry (with Indian Naan)
Vegetables in Coconut Curry (with Indian Naan)
(for 2 servings): Del Monte Mixed Vegetables (190g) 1 box, Cauliflower ½ pc, Okra 8 pcs, Potato 1 pc, Onion ½ pc, Tomato 2 pcs, Garlic 3 cloves, Chili Powder ½ tsp, Turmeric Powder ½ tsp, Curry Powder 1 tsp, Coconut Milk 100g, Water 350ml
Sea Salt 1 tsp
Del Monte Mixed Vegetables (190g x 3 packs)
Wash all the materials. Cut the cauliflower into fine pieces; cut the okras into half; peel the potatoes and cut into pieces; chop the onion; dice the tomatoes; mince the garlics.
Put 1 tablespoon of oil in the pot, add garlics, onions and tomatoes and saute over medium heat until soft. Then, add about 350ml of water and cook for 6 minutes.
Put the boiled tomatoes and onions into a blender and beat them.
Add 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan, fry the potatoes over medium heat until the surface is golden brown. Then, add broccoli and okra and saute until soft (about 5 minutes).
Add freshly smashed tomato paste, chili powder, turmeric powder, curry powder, sea salt, and drained Del Monte Mixed Vegetables. Mix well and cook over low heat for 8 minutes.
Add the coconut milk and mix well. Serve when the coconut milk boils.