Stewed Beef Rib Fingers in Prune and Tomato Sauce
Stewed Beef Rib Fingers in Prune and Tomato Sauce
Del Monte Pitted Prunes 15 pcs, Del Monte Prune Juice 70ml, Beef Rib Fingers 700g, Onion 1 pc, Tomato 2 pcs, Cherry Tomato 10 pcs, Carrot 1 pc, Paprika 2 tsps., Cinnamon 1 pc, Thyme few bunches, Water 1000ml, Sea Salt 2 tsps., Black Pepper 2 tsps., Parsley appropriate
Del Monte Pitted Prunes
Wash the beef rib fingers, pat them dry and then cut into pieces. Cut the onion, tomatoes and peeled carrot into pieces; cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and chop the parsley.
Heat a tall pot over medium heat, add beef rib fingers, and fry until the surface is golden. In the meantime, add 1 teaspoon of sea salt and black pepper, fry and set aside.
Using the same pot, add onions and saute until fragrant. Then, add tomatoes and carrots and fry until slightly soft (about 5 minutes).
Put the beef rib fingers back to the pot. Add paprika, cinnamon and thyme, and mix well. Then, add water, boil and turn to low heat, cover and cook for 35 minutes.
After 35 minutes, open the lid, add Del Monte Pitted Prunes and Del Monte Prune Juice, cover and stew for 30 minutes.
Open the lid, add cherry tomatoes, season with the remaining sea salt and black pepper. Cook for 5 more minutes before serving. Sprinkle with chopped parsley for decoration.