Poached Pears in Spiced Cranberry Juice
Poached Pears in Spiced Cranberry Juice
Poached Pears:
Long Stalked Pears 5-6 pcs, Del Monte Cranberry Juice 800ml, Red Wine 500ml, Lemon 1 pc, Sugar 140g, Star Anise 5 pcs, Cinnamon 2 pcs, Clove 30 pcs *Do not pick overripe pears

Mascarpone Cheese 100g, Light Cream 200g, Icing 25g, Nuts (Chopped) appropriate

Put the cranberry juice, red wine, lemon juice, lemon peel, sugar, star anise, cinnamon and cloves into a tall pot. Cook over medium-low heat until smoke comes out. While cooking the spiced cranberry juice, peel the long-handled pear. Cut the pears into half and remove the seeds.
Put the pears in the spiced cranberry juice and cook for 15-30 minutes (Cook the riper pears for 15 minutes and the rawer ones for 25-30 minutes).
If you are not in a hurry, leave the whole pot to cool down and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight. Let the pears fully absorb the aroma. Otherwise, skip this step.
Remove all the spices from the spiced cranberry juice, and boil the juice over medium heat until thickened, like the form of syrup. Set aside the concentrated cranberry juice for later use.
Take out the Mascarpone Cheese and light cream from the refrigerator and put them in a tall bowl. Sift in the icing and beat with an electric whisk until smooth, set aside.
Serve the plate: spread a layer of cream cheese on the plate first. Then, place two pears on top. Finally, add concentrated cranberry juice and sprinkle with crushed nuts and serve.