Tomato Lobster Bisque
Tomato Lobster Bisque
Lobster with butter: Frozen Small Lobster 2 pcs, Butter 30g, Cooking Oil 1 tsp, Sea Salt 1 tsp, Lemon Juice 1 tsp

Tomato Lobster Bisque: Lobster Shells appropriate, Del Monte Creamy Tomato Soup 1 box, Del Monte Tomato Paste 1 tsp, Celery 1 pc, Onion 1 pc, Carrot 1 pc, Thyme few, Water 700ml, Sea Salt 1 tsp, Parsley appropriate

Del Monte Creamy Tomato Soup
Dice the celery, onion, and carrot; take out the lobster meat.
Heat a pan over medium heat, add appropriate amounts of cooking oil, saute the lobster shells. Then, stir-fry the shells with the onions, carrots and celeries until slightly soft.
Add the tomato paste and thyme, and stir well. Then add the tomato soup and water, mix well, cover the pan, and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Heat a pan over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil and butter, and fry the lobster meat until golden brown, seasoning with sea salt and lemon juice.
After 20 minutes of cooking, remove the lobster shells. Beat all the ingredients in the soup with a blender, and season with sea salt.
Put the lobster soup and lobster meat in a bowl. Sprinkle appropriate parsley on top. Serve hot.