Roasted Duck with Red Wine and Prune Sauce
Roasted Duck with Red Wine and Prune Sauce
Del Monte Pitted Prunes 6 pcs, Del Monte Prune Juice 100ml, Frozen Duck Breast 1 pc, Sea Salt 1 tsp, Pepper 1 tsp, Onion ½ pc, Red Wine 180ml, Flour 10g, Black Vinegar 2 tsp

Mashed Potato:
Potato 2-3 pcs (about 300g), Light Cream 80ml, Butter 15g (at room temperature), Sea Salt 1 tsp
Del Monte Prune Juice
Do a few cuts on the surface of the duck breast (do not enter the fat layer). Then, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper at the bottom of the duck breast; peel and dice the potatoes; finely chop the onion and pitted prunes.
Boil a pot of water, cook the diced potato until tender for about 12-14 minutes, and drain after cooking. After the potatoes are well drained, mash them properly. Add butter, light cream and sea salt, and mix well. (The amount of light cream can be added or subtracted by yourself to adjust your ideal smoothness) Sift the mashed potato and set aside.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Let the duck breast face down in a cold pan. Then, using medium-low heat, fry slowly until the duck oil overflows and as well as golden brown. Then, fry the other side until golden brown.
Put the duck breast with the pan into the oven and roast for 8-12 minutes (the pan can be replaced with tin foil), depending on the size of the duck breast. After roasting, take out the duck breast and let it stand for 8 minutes before cutting it into pieces.
Using the same pan, cook the onion until tender over low heat and then mix it well with flour. Add Del Monte Pitted Prunes, Del Monte Prune Juice, Red Wine and Black Vinegar and cook until it reaches a nice thickness.
Put the roasted duck over the mashed potato. Top with the red wine prune sauce and serve.